Tuesday, December 10, 2013

5th grade checking out the results!

So the iodine MUST have gotten into the bag - it turned the cornstarch purple black. So the Baggie acted like a cell membrane, it let some molecules in (like the iodine) but no water molecules cause there wasn't any water in the sealed bag!

Jewel and Zhari work together to find the "nucleus" - a marble,

Kevin and Angelo start to open the bag....

Matt is always my brave soul. Dives right in and gets the "nucleus" out! 

Ale making observations.

Check out this table - everyone is working - observing, recording data - it's great. They are BEING AWESOME!
Thank you 5th grade for making a messy lab fun and clean up a breeze.
Please remember that the cell membrane controls what goes in and out of a cell!
And that iodine turns purple ism black in the presence of a starch.  On to more adventures....

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