Monday, September 9, 2013

Some thoughts I want to share...

Please encourage your student to be open to thinking of science as a different kind of opportunity to be creative. Science provides an opportunity to try things, but be responsible for gaining knowledge - not just doing a lab, activity, assignment to get through something.
Everybody has a sense of curiosity, I want that for our students. I encourage independent, critical thinking and problem solving skills. We do many activities that require them to work as a team. However, there are many times of sketchings and journal entries that allow for individual, self-directed thought. So I just ask that you encourage your student to be open and ready to sometimes be taken out of his/her comfort zones - not everything comes from a textbook - it can be a tool, a reference. We will combine science with math, art and literature. We build, design and create. It all comes together, it's science.
         Their individual abilities are amazing, their work as table teams or pairs is incredible.
                                                       The best part? 
                                 I get to be a part of that. It's a blessing and I am thankful.

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