Saturday, November 17, 2012

8th Grade

Testing factors that affect the rate of solubility.
Science inquiry based lab. They do it all- I just provide the materials.
From hypothesis to conclusion- 100% critical thinking and problem solving.
Almost out of the chemistry in physical science. Need to tackle acids, bases and salts. Then we head towards space!
Well astronomy that is....

Friday, November 16, 2012

5th grade

As we study photosynthesis and respiration, I like taking the students out to sketch and focus on the wide variety of leaves right near our own "backyard". Sketching encourages focusing and there is a lot of ownership involved.
It is not an easy skill, but one we develop and work on in science.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

7th Grade

Chemical Innovations lab -
This lab was slightly out of context for the 7th grade curriculum. However, one of the labs they could have done was a Genetics lab extracting DNA. I can do that here with them.
So I tend to opt for labs I CAN NOT do with them. This would include anything with more expensive materials or flame.
So the students enjoyed a very dynamic lab revisiting chemistry and learning more about reactions.

7th grade

Our trip to SJ Tech Museum was filled with non stop science.
From the Mythbusters to the Chemical Innovations Lab, the 7th grade were challenged to use critical thinking, problem solving, and direction following skills.
It was fun to watch them laugh and smile while learning, absorbing and processing many aspects and types of science.
Thank you to SJ Tech for providing a partial grant for waiving the $9 entry fee. Thank you to the lab instructor Liz who worked with a large group but was funny, informative and oh so organized!
Thank you parents for providing an opportunity like this for your students. And, Mrs. Fitzpatrick who knows how much Mrs. Girlich and I love this place.
Now, let's get ready for that Science Fair!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

6th grade

What's so hot about a vent?
Students discovered that Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate dissolves much better and in higher concentrations than in cold water.
This simulated the minerals deposited at vents where there are weaknesses in the earth's crust. Especially - the ocean!
Then, waste not want not, the students added a little food coloring for another round of making some crystals.
Very cool results so far. We will get the final products on Wednesday.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6th grade

Gases in magma lab.
Students are exploring how volcanoes are not only capable of emitting lava, but also gases. These gases and heat and pressure are released in various forms.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

4th Grade

Zoomobile came to STM!!
It was fun to watch the students touch, learn and observe about a variety of animals.
They knowledgeable staff answered many questions and guided the students through a very solid learning experience.
Students saw up close and personal: desert tortoise, European ferret, vulture,chinchilla and Central Ametica King snake.


We were very lucky to have the opportunity to have the SF Zoo's Zoomobile come to our school and give each class a presentation.
The knowledgeable staff held the students' attention as they presented a variety of animals and taught about the habitats, adaptations and ecosystems for each.
Students were able to touch and observe up close as well as in our own classrooms, animals such as:
Chinchilla, Ball python, American alligator, blue tongues skink, marine toad and many more.